Rey’s Star Wars Movies Possibly Canceled? Surprising?

Rey’s Star Wars Movies Possibly Canceled? Surprising?

We got some updates on an upcoming Star Wars movie starring Rey. I wanted to talk about it, because it’s fairly interesting. Let’s get started!

What Is Said?: Back in April 2023 it was announced at Star Wars Celebration that a Star Wars movie starring Daisy Ridley was in the works. Essentially, the film would follow Rey building the new era of Jedi after The Rise of Skywalker. There was a director attached when it was announced, people had all sorts of different thoughts and feelings on the project because of The Rise of Skywalker and how that movie failed. Since that announcement, there hasn’t been much said about the movie. Daisy Ridley has done interviews talking about how excited she is about the film. But there’s no updates on the film’s production process, we never got a release date for the movie. Last week it was said by Daniel Ritchman, who’s a leaker that is right more often than not, he’s been wrong in the past. But when he says something, there is normally some truth to it. He said that this movie was supposed to start filming later this year, but looks like filming will be delayed to 2025 and even then that doesn’t seem to be very likely to happen. Ritchman also said he wouldn’t be surprised if the movie is scrapped altogether. He also said in his report that Steven Knight, the creator of Peaky Blinders wrote four drafts of the script and Kathleen Kennedy keeps on giving him notes to improve it. So far, there’s no final draft of the script yet. Also, Damon Lindelof who created Lost and Justin Brain-Gibson also tried writing drafts but left due to the creative differences. Very clearly, there’s a lot of behind the scenes drama going on with this movie, it’s not fully coming together. Which leads to what my thoughts on this are…

My Thoughts

  • Honestly, I’m not too surprised that we’re getting these updates on this movie. If you’re familiar with the production era of Disney Star Wars you know that canceled projects aren’t unheard of. Since Disney bought Star Wars, there've been a lot of canceled projects, projects that started off as one thing and then morphed into another. There was a lot of talent recruited very early on for projects that never happened. Rian Johnson was supposed to do a Star Wars trilogy, the creators of Game of Thrones were going to do a movie. So much creative talent was recruited very early on, but because of Kathleen Kennedy being bad at her job it never happened. In 2020, they announced that a Lando show was going to happen with Donald Glover, then it got turned into a movie then got canceled. When I hear that Rey’s Star Wars movie could potentially be canceled, I’m not surprised because I don’t fully trust Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy. Kennedy has burned so many bridges with creative talent and the fans, that it’s hard to get excited for some of these movies because we know they could be canceled. 
  • I know some people were very skeptical about this project from the beginning, they didn’t think it sounded like a good idea. I get that, I can understand where people are coming from. I’ve never been super skeptical about this project, I think Rey is a good character that needs time to develop to be a great character. I think they had the pieces in the sequel trilogy to make Rey a great character, but fumbled in the execution. So getting a movie that’s focused on Rey I was excited for. I wasn’t over the moon excited for it, I certainly had my reservations about the project. At the same time, I wouldn’t be disappointed if we hear they’re going to pull the plug on the project. 
  • It’s frustrating that it’s hard to trust Star Wars now because Star Wars has done a lot of great projects, both with movies and tv shows. But I think in order for Lucasfilm to get back on track and regain the trust of the fans they need to let Kathleen Kennedy go. It’s time for her to leave Lucasfilm and retire. I don’t know who should take off Lucasfilm, I know Dave Filoni’s name has been thrown out there. Perhaps if Kathleen Kennedy wasn’t in the position that she’s in, maybe this movie could have happened and been some good. I’m rambling, this topic could be an entirely different blog post. 
  • To wrap things up, I’m not too surprised by this news, I think a lot of people saw it coming and it’s unfortunate for Daisy Ridley, but not too surprising. I wouldn’t be surprised if by the end of this year we get an official report that this movie is canceled. 
