The Mandalorian Seasons Ranked
The third season of The Mandalorian has come to an end, that means it time to stop and rank all three seasons of the show. So let’s get started!
3. Season 3: Now this was a HUGE disappointment for me after the great seasons of 1 and 2. Which is frustrating because there’s a lot in there that could be very interesting. Mando going to Mandalore to regain his honor and trust from the Mandalorian culture. Mando had the dark saber but Bo Katan wants it to rule Mandalore. You have Grogu returning to Mando after The Book of Boba Fett. The season has all of these ideas that should have made for a great third season of this show, but they wasted it. The second episode of the season basically resolves Mando regain his trust with the Mandalorians. Bo Katan gets the dark saber in episode 6 and just kind of happens, it doesn’t have the right emotional weight that it should. That’s the first big problem here where it resolves these elements that should be so important to the show in the most mediocre and easy ways possible. Kind of tied that, part of the reason why the show doesn’t have the emotional weight is that it’s very scatter shot. The is probably the most episodic and side quest filled season of the show. The show has always kind of had these episodes where the story and villain are concluded by the end of the episode. But with seasons 1 and 2 they would then tease something for the next episode. This season has an entire episode focused on Moff Gideon’s scientist buddy that feels like an episode of Andor. Episode 6 is like stunt casting the episode with cameos from Lizzo, Jack Black, and Christopher Lloyd. And it’s frustrating when they have 8 episodes and so many of them are just filler pointless episodes. Also Moff Gideon doesn’t even show up until episode 7, the main villain of the show is only in two episodes of the show. The entire season should be about Moff Gideon seeking revenge and Mando and Bo Katan teaming up to stop him. But nope, they want side quests left, ride, and center…so that’s what we got. Now to be fair, this is still a very watchable season. It’s not bad by any means, it’s just enjoyable Star Wars stuff. But after how good seasons 1 and 2 were this was very disappointing in my mind.
2. Season 1: Now I thought this show started off with a pretty great little first season of this show. Right out of the gate, it’s something so new and different for the Star Wars universe. Where this show is basically a western in the world of Star Wars, the storytelling for certain epsiodes are story templates of classic westerns. Beyond that the whole tone and music also makes it feel like a western in the world of Star Wars. And the fact that it’s something so new and different, it’s not tied to The Skywalker Saga really at all. It’s not about bad guys taking over the galaxy, it’s just about this bounty hunter that is trying to keep a child safe. It’s a very small scale tv show that doesn’t have big connections to the larger world of Star Wars. But then it also has a great set of characters that you are about. Of course you have Baby Yoda, who became an icon of the last 4 ½ years. The Mandalorian himself, Din Darjin is a great character to go along this journey with. We don’t know much about him, but we know just enough about him to care about him. We know that he really much does honor and respect The Mandalorian code. It makes for such an interesting character to go on this adventure with. What holds this season back for me, why it’s not number 1. I just feel that parts of it can be very slow, certain episodes are very interesting. But some of them are slower episodes that can drag a bit for me. But in general, this season is great. It’s a great first season of the show.
1. Season 2: This season can build off of the foundation established in season 1. Since Mando, Grogu, and all of the other characters are already established we can just go along with them on this adventure. And this adventure is the best and most fun in my mind, it’s the most entertaining and the most emotional. Where so much of this episode delivers fun Star Wars fan service that works really well and it ties into the mythology of Star Wars. And most importantly, it makes sense in the context of Star Wars and the time line. So finally getting to see a Ahsoka Tano in live action form is great, I love getting to see her in this show. While it does deliver on all of the fan service parts of the season, it also delivers an emotional journey and arc for Mando himself. Where the whole season is about Mando having to find the Jedi that will train Grogu. And the leads to an emotional (but awesome) finale where Mando has to say good bye to Grogu. Which leads to Mando having to go against what the Mandalorian culture beliefs in and values. And when you get to the finale it really does pull on the heart strings, it really does work. But you also get a fantastic scene with Luke Skywalker in there that caused me and millions upon millions of fans just loved and ate it all up. And just in general, this is the most memorable adventure of all three of the seasons. It’s the season that I enjoyed going through-out the most. So it’s the most memorable and fun in my mind, so it’s my number 1.