Triangle of Sadness Review
I’ve been making my way through the Best Picture nominees, today we are talking about possibly the biggest surprise of the nominees Triangle of Sadness. A film that all I knew going in was that Woody Harrelson is in it, and then it takes a big turn about half way through the movie. So how is the movie? Is it good? Is it deserving of the nomination? Let’s find out!
The Review:
Oh my gosh, I really don’t know where to begin with this movie. When I’m reviewing this, I’m not going to break it down into the normal structure with the good and the bad. Because of this movie, I got done watching it and I don’t know what to make of it. It’s such a weird and wild movie that takes you on a journey that you aren’t expecting. It starts off as a movie that basically makes fun of the upper class, the rich people. And so you watch this movie and it starts and it’s about a male model’s relationship with Instagram influencer girlfriend. And then they go to the yacht, and the captain’s dinner…one of the weirdest and most WTF scenes and sequences I’ve ever seen. And it just gets wild in there, and then the third act is nothing at all like the first and second act. And what’s weird, all of these acts feel like they could have been their own movie. Each of them touch on the same themes and ideas, but they are so different with its tone that it’s wild. Like I said before, the movie is basically making fun of the rich people. So as you move into the third act, the dynamics between everybody starts to change. I don’t even want to see why this movie is so weird and wild, because it’s something you yourself need and should experience. It being so weird and wild, is probably the biggest positive I can give this movie. And I feel like this movie and Everything Everywhere All at Once are tied for the weirdest movie of 2022, and they are weird for two different reasons. Everything Everywhere All at Once is a weird tripping movie about the upper class. This movie is weird because it goes in directions that you aren’t expecting. That’s really the part of the movie that I wanted to talk about the most, and just share my feelings on. I appreciate that it’s so weird and out there, they went for it with this movie.
Other things that worked, it can have some nice humor. I don’t think it’s quite as funny as I think the movie is. is. But it still got a laugh out of me at a couple points in the movie. ‘
Woody Harrelson is the ship captain in the movie, he’s not in the movie a whole lot. But it’s a great performance by him. It’s a weird and offbeat Woody Harrelson that I thought worked. The other person to note is Dolly De Leon, who got some award love. I believe she got nominated for a Golden Globe. I think other places as well she got nominated, I thought she was good in the movie. I liked what they did with her, I don’t think she gave one of the best performances of the year. But it was good and certainly one of the better ones of the movie.
With all that said, I think this is a movie that I can respect and appreciate a lot more than I can actually enjoy the film. It’s one that I think is a great one time watch, but I’m not sure when I’ll watch it again. Other things that didn’t fully work for me, the movie is way too long. It’s almost 2 ½ hours long, which feels about 20-25 minutes too long. I think if the movie was closer to 2 hours long it would have been better. Everything feels stretched out whether it’s a conversation or whatever, it feels way to drawn out.
Final Thoughts: Triangle of Sadness is certainly a movie unlike no other. It’s weird and wild, but that’s the biggest positive I can give this movie. It goes for it, it’s weird and it’s wild. It’s a movie that won’t be for everybody, a lot of people will watch this movie and be confused by it. I get that, I think I liked it. It’s a movie where I’m not sure where my thoughts on this movie will fall in a week or so.
The Score: 8.2/10 (B-)