Top 5 Most Disappointing 2022 Movies
We have made it to the end of 2022 and while overall I think this year has been a solid year for movies. That doesn’t mean there haven’t been disappointments. So today I’m sharing my picks for the 5 biggest disappointments of 2022.
5. Turning Red: The first of two Pixar movies to come out in 2022 and I was not a fan of this one. This is one that really didn’t work for me, and I thought was a big misfire. It had a central idea that could have been interesting, there were things about it that I liked. But the movie as a whole did NOT work for me. I think there are two BIG problems when it comes to this movie. First up, I don’t think the message of the movie was presented to the audience in the best way. What makes Pixar a great studio is they can take these big concepts that might be to complex or to adult for kids to fully understand but they package them in a way for kids to understand them. This movie mentions periods and pads in a way that I don’t hink kids will understand, they all make an abortion joke that in light of Roe vs Wade might not be received the best. Second, they made a lead character that is very niece in who can connect with her. She’s a teenage girl, who likes boy bands, who is Chinese, who lives in Toronto, and oh yah turns into a big red panda if she gets to excited, that is not the easiest character to connect with.
4. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Now if you know me then you know that I love the MCU, it’s what helped shape my love for movies. So having a MCU movie on a list like this can be pretty disappointing in it of itself. To be clear, I like this movie I will give it a positive review but it is a movie that is flawed. And I think the biggest flaw it makes is that they wast a lot of the potential that they had, they titled their movie In the Multiverse of Madness and have a lead character who can hop between different multiverses that is LITERALLY her power set. But the only different world that we go to is a world where you go on red, stop on green. And Bruce Campbell serves pizza in a bowl. That is disappointing, that is a disappointing turn out. And I don’t get why when Doctor Strange and America Chavez were hopping between multiverses why didn’t we have one scene where they explore a new world just 5-10 minutes. Have two more fun cameos, I don’t know why. And another issue with the marketing is that I think by putting Professor X lead a lot of people to think that The Illuiminati was going to be a big part of the movie. And there scenes are very short lived, they get 10 minutes of screen time. Which for the context of the movie it makes sense, I get why Wanda killed them but I don’t think they should have put Professor X in the trailers for the movie. So I still liked the movie, but I think the marketing and what they decided to show in the trailers really didn’t do it any favors.
3. Lightyear: The second Pixar movie of the year and of the two, the one that I was far more excited for. All of the trailers were working for me, I liked the basic concept of the movie. Of having an idea that Andy saw a Buzz Lightyear movie which lead him to get the toy in the original movie. And so telling that movie seemed like an easy win for Pixar, but it wasn’t. Again I would go positive on this movie, I think it was good but disappointing. Compared to where my expectations were this is a big downgrade. And I think the big problem here is that the movie lacked a lot of the charm that it should have had. It was a lot darker then I was expecitng, like the movie should have been this fun action adventure movie with Buzz exploring different planets. But it’s not that we see Buzz fairly late in his career and he’s reflecting on his history. So this movie feels like the third movie in a Buzz Lightyear trilogy of movies. It feels like The Dark Knight Rises. And then just the movie is forgettable, which is something I don’t want to be saying about about a Buzz Lightyera Pixar movie starring Chris Evans. So this is a movie that I wanted to love, I wanted this to be a top tier movie of the year but it wasn’t. And it’s one of the big box office disappointments of the year with only make $226.4 worldwide on a $200 million budget.
2. Deep Water: Now this is one that not a lot of people saw, it’s a movie that was a Hulu original that is based on a book by the same name. And it stars Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas. And it’s a mystery thriller where a wife (Ana de Armas) is having an affair with other men, but in order to keep his marriage in check he allows her to sleep with other men. But the other men start disappearing so the husband (Ben Affleck) is the main suspects. I like this genre of film, Ben Affleck is great in these types of movies. And Ana de Armas is a great actress (and a very very beautiful woman). And the movie was not very good, it is a total dud and a misfire of a movie. Where it’s familiar it feels like a bunch of other things that you’ve seen other movies do before and do it better. It almost feels like a guy trying to copy the work of David Fincher but failing at it. And I think the big issue with the movie is that they don’t do a good job of explaining anything. The movie starts and it kind of just assumes that you know these characters and it doesn’t do any explaining what so ever. It feels like they wrote a three act structured movie but lost the first act and just rolled with it. So the first act of the movie feels like it should have been the second act. So I think the movie would have worked better as a 6-part mini series on Hulu with 45-1 hour long episodes. But as a 2 hour movie, there is way to much plot for that short of a run time. So I wanted to love this movie, or enjoy it. But I got a big dud and a bid waste of disappointment.
1. Thor: Love and Thunder: It kind of pains me to say that an MCU movie, let alone a THOR movie is the biggest disappointment of 2022. I loved Thor Ragnarok I thought it was a great reimaigning of the the Thor character. They used Chris Hemsworth’s comedic timing as an advantage in that movie. So when they announced that Taika Waititi is doing another Thor movie I was excited. Plus getting Christian Bale as the villain seemed like a win. When you say that Christian Bale’s name has a lot of weight when it comes to the comic book movie genre. He carries an enormous amount of weight. So I was all onboard for this movie, and then it came out and I didn’t like it. I didn’t hate it, but it is one of three MCU movies in which I would go negative on. And I think the big issues here is that Taika Waititi just went to goofy, he went to far with the comedy. He took the Taika Waititi sliders and slid them up all the way to eleven. So the movie feels much more like a parody of Thor rather then a Thor movie. And tied to that since the movie is so goofy and wild having a villain like Gorr didn’t work. Gorr is a character that is very dark, creepy, and holding kids captive in the same movie where Chris Hemsworth does Jean-Claude Van Dammne split kicks and also has screaming goats. Those two thing just don’t work well with another. It’s like the fourth or fifth MCU where Thor’s character arc is trying to find out who he really is. Thor, Ragnarok, Infinity War, Endgame, and now this movie all tackle that same exact character arc. And so I wanted to love this movie, all of the trailers seemed like I was going to. But you watch it, and it’s not as good as it SHOULD have and COULD have been.
There you have it, my picks for the most disappointing movies of 2022. What were some of the most disappointing movies for you in 2022? Thanks for reading!