Tales of the Jedi Episodes Ranked

Tales of the Jedi Episodes Ranked

A couple days back we got a new series of Star Wars shorts dropping on Disney+, called Tales of the Jedi. I’ve finally gotten around to watching all six episodes and today it’s time to rank all 6 of the episodes. 

6. Life and Death (Episode 1): The first episode of the show is one that is cool, it’s fun to see more of the origin of Ahsoka Tano. But that’s really the only thing it has to offer. It felt like other episodes in the season had more to offer when it comes to the story and characters. And this one has a very popular fan favorite character as a secondary character as she’s being born. And we go on an adventure with her mother. There wasn’t much in this episode that got me excited and had me curious for what would happen next. So it’s a fine start to the show, it’s fun to see more of the origin story behind Ahsoka. Maybe something that we will explore more in the Ahsoka tv show coming out next year. But as is, it’s a fine episode that others might enjoy more than I did. 

5. Choices (Episode 3): In a lot of ways this was an episode that continued a lot of the same themes and ideas that were established in episode 2. But I felt like this episode wasn’t nearly as exciting or flashy as it should have been. It’s fun to see Mace Windu and Dooku as jedi, and I do like a good murder mystery. But I felt like this episode could have used more time, this was the episode that felt the most rushed by being under 20 minutes. Because the other episodes felt like the correct length it told a story in the run time that they had and nothing felt rushed. This episode feels like they had a 30 minute episode and squashed it into under 20 minutes. So that’s really what holds back this episode for me. 

4. Justice (Episode 2): An episode that I liked the idea of seeing a younger Count Dooku when he was still a jedi. And seeing Qui-Gon Jinn as a padawan and not as a jedi master. It’s exploring a time period and characters that we are familiar with in a new light and that was interesting to see. Likewise, I liked how it told a complete and somewhat compelling arc with these two jedis saving a small town of people from the evil government that controls them. And in the finale of this episode you see the darker side of Dooku start to come out and that was very interesting and cool to see. It’s not a top tier episode, it’s not an episode that I thought was fantastic. But it was a solid episode that I thought was a BIG improvement over episode 1. 

3. Resolve (Episode 6): Now what I appreciated about this episode is that it provides a great little epilogue for Revenge of the Sith with Ahsoka Tano. I’m somebody that has seen a lot of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Ahsoka is one of my favorite characters. And getting an episode that focuses on her was really cool. And I thought the story for this one was actually one of the better ones. And I’m not sure if this is kind of what the Ahsoka tv show is going to be but that could be cool. Now what holds it back is that I wish we got more of a fight between Ahsoka and The Inquisitor in the finale. The fight lasted less than thirty seconds and that was a bit frustrating. 

2. Practice Makes Perfect (Episode 5): This was the episode that was the most nostalgic for me because I grew up watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars and so getting these characters in an episode that feels like it could have been on that show is great to see. So on that level, I really dug this episode. Plus I thought this was an episode that fit the length correctly, it had the right amount of story and conflict for a 15 minute long episode. So all in all, I know this episode didn’t interest some people but I thought it was one of the stronger episodes. 

1. The Sith Lord (Episode 4): The episode that was the culmination of the Count Dooku storyline of the season. Where we truly see the ending to this arc that Dooku has been on. Where we learn that Dooku has been working with Darth Sidious which is very important. We see Dooku torn between two sides here with the Jedi code and what Darth Sidious is putting into his head. So that moment when it happens is really powerful and you even feel some emotions inside of it. Now while this episode is in first place, it’s still not a mind blowing episode. This is actually the highest rated episode of the season on IMDB with a 9.4/10. And I wouldn’t go that high but it’s still a very solid episode that has a lot to offer.
