2022 Oscar Pool Winner
Yesterday was the 94th Oscars, and this is the 3rd year that I’ve done an Oscar pool where I send out a ballot to friends and family. This year we had 33 people participate and thank you to every single one of you for participating. And this year there could only be one winner…and that winner was actually ME. I kid you not, it was me. But that wouldn’t be fair now would it? So the actual winner of the 2022 Oscar pool is….drum roll please.
The max amount of points you could receive was 64 points. Here is the ranking for everybody!
Zack DeCicco (45 points)
Sarah Hart (38 points)
Mike DeCicco and Trent Duffey (35 points)
Toby Barmeyer (28 points)
Matt DeCicco and Aimee O’Brien (26 points)
Jessica Wilson (25 points)
Kelly Nichols (24 points)
Liv DesAutels (23 points)
Pat DeCicco and Jenny Hancock (21 points)
Brittany Duckett, Zach Puccinelli, Alec Hartman, Shayne Middleton, and Caleb McGehee (20 points)
Susie Bell, Stephanie Owyoung, Savanna Talbott, and Desire Cain (16 points)
Caden Hoffmesiter (15 points)
Kaylin Puccinelli and Wendy St. Clair (14 points)
Lora Boyter (13 points)
Alyssa Pucinelli and Jan Dickson (10 points)
Cathy Johnston (9 points)
Michael Weaver (8 points)
Damian Taylor (7 points)
Lawrence Herrera and Kirsten Briscoe (1 point)