Hawkeye Characters Ranked
A couple days ago Hawkeye aired on Disney and that show introduced us to a whole new web of characters. So in today’s blog post I’m going to be ranking all 10 characters of Hawkeye. Let’s get started!
NOTE: This post will contain SPOILERS for Hawkeye. So if you haven’t seen the show please don’t read this blog post.
10. Lucky the Pizza Dog: A cute and adorable fuzzy campaign for Clint and Kate and this is all that he is. He’s just there to provide some cute moments here and there. He’s not a character that is given this big character arc he doesn’t change through-out the show. He’s pretty prominent in the first two episodes of the show but doesn’t really appear in the other 4 episodes. So I am a dog person and I always watch it when there is a dog in a movie or tv show, but 8/10 they never really affect the flow of the story. They could have just cut him from the show and it wouldn’t have changed all that much.
9. The Tracksuit Mafia: At face value these guys are just generic henchmen that you have in a show like this. But what the show wisely did was give them extra personality and a fun personality. Where in episode 3 when they have Clint and Kate kidnapped. Kate is giving one of them advice on what to do with his girlfriend. And they even have nice banter between the two of them that just makes them pop and stand out just a little bit more. Given the placement of them here, I don’t think they are fully top tier characters. But better than most characters like this are.
8. Kazi: Maya Lopez’s best friend of the show I thought was used very well in this show. Where he is trying to convince Maya that what she is doing is too dangerous and is wrong. So he is the voice of reason for Maya and that is an interesting character to add into this show. And I’m not sure if it’s just me but Kazi looked like Kit Harrington but they pose a striking resemblance. But I don’t like how in the finale of the movie they used him as a full on villain and it felt like too much of a change of pace for the character.
7. Eleanor Bishop: A bit of a frustrating character because I liked the usage of her in the show. And I liked the idea of her in the show as a character who you don’t really know where is going to fall. Vera Ferminga is a great actress and can play these mysterious characters really well. But she also felt underused and underdeveloped in the show. And like you want to know more about her and why she is doing all of these evil things. She didn’t die at the end of the show so maybe she’ll come back in future projects.
6. Wilson Fisk/Kingpin: The big twist reveal that happened at the end of the show. The whole show was teasing us of the big boss threat that was leading everything that was happening. And rumors on the internet were speculating that it was going to be Kingpin behind it. And episode 5 confirmed that Kingpin is indeed the big boss of the show. And I haven’t seen Daredevil but I really did enjoy seeing Vincent D’Onofrio as the character and it is making me want to watch Daredevil. I do wish that he was used more in the finale, and worried that they did kill him off.
5. Yelena Belova: It’s kind of fun that we got to see this character twice in the same year and I don’t mind that. Because the character of Yelena is a really fun character that steals every scene that she is in. I really enjoy Florence Pugh as the character and she has great chemistry with everybody. And I loved Yelena’s little scene with Kate in the elevator and thought it showed the different personalities of these characters really well. Now I think the way she is introduced into the show could have been better but in general, I did like the usage of this character on this show.
4. Maya Lopez/Echo: So in this show Echo is a mute that learns ASL, and the actress Alaqua Cox is a mute. Just a fun little fact for you to enjoy. But what I liked most about this character was the arc that they gave her. She starts off as this villain who only sees red and wants to kill Ronin for killing her father. But after learning who Ronin really is it changes her. And turns sides and starts to help the heroes defeat Kingpin and Kazi. So I’m very curious to see what they will do with her in her tv show coming soon.
3. Jack Duquesne: A character that I’m pretty sure most of us thought was going to be a villain by the end of the show. And it turns out he wasn’t and he always was a good guy and Eleanor was more of the mastermind of the show. And I thought that Tony Dalton did a great job as this character who you don’t know if he’s going to be good or bad. And I liked how he turned into a hero in the finale of the movie helping our heroes and taking out The Tracksuit Mafia. This character becomes a character called The Swordsman in the comic and it seems like they are teasing that with where they left him in the finale.
2. Kate Bishop: The secondary lead of the show is a great new character that is a lot of fun in the show. She is written to have this fun personality about her and that makes her a scene stealer. You like her as a character because of her personality. Hailee Steinfeld is only 25 but she has been acting since she was 8 years old. So she is a seasoned pro at this sort of stuff and she brings all of her talents to the table here. And Steinfeld has great chemistry with Jeremy Renner on this show. And I’m very curious to see where they take her character post Hawkeye.
1. Clint Barton/Hawkeye: A character that has been in the MCU for 10 years now and has always been sidelined in movies. But finally after 10 years Hawkeye got to be front and center in his own project. And I liked that his arc in this show is him dealing with the choices he made as Ronin, and found that to be interesting in the way it is played out here. Jeremy Renner knows how to play this character really well and he’s a great actor so he’s great as the character. And I’m not sure if we will ever see this character again but it felt like a complete arc where I’m satisfied where they left his character.
There you have it, my ranking of the Hawkeye characters. What is your favorite Hawkeye character? Thanks for reading!