Top 10 Least Favorite MCU Characters
The MCU is my favorite thing going in pop culture right now, they are creating big hit after big hit. And a handful of those movies I love and are so important to me. But in every franchise there are those weak characters, those characters that aren’t the best. So in today’s blog post I’m going to be sharing my top 10 least favorite MCU characters. Let’s get started!
NOTE: This post will contain SPOILERS for the entirety of the MCU. So please be careful what you read, I will discuss important plot points.
10. W’Kabi (Black Panther): Now I don’t think is a terrible character, Daniel Kaulyya did nothing wrong in the role. But he’s felt off and out of place to me, he’s never felt like he belonged in this movie. Meaning that it felt like his character could have been removed from the movie and not much would have changed. Obviously, there is that twist in the second half of the movie with his character. But that twist didn’t change much, if it never happened the movie wouldn’t have changed all that much. He felt unnecessary and felt like he was only there to have a larger cast. Once again, this isn’t a bad character, the acting was solid. But I wish they did more with him, he felt like a character that should have had a lot more to do. But didn’t...because who knows why. Now I believe he is coming back for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever next summer, so maybe they will flesh out his character and make him a better character.
9. Sharon Carter/The Power Broker (Captain America Sequels and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier): Now in the two Captain America sequels she was a nice addition to the MCU, that fleshed out Steve as a character. They had a nice chemistry and you could see how they could make a nice couple. But she was also just Peggy Carter’s niece and a love interest to Steve not really given anything to do that was exciting. And with where Avengers Endgame left Steve’s character made their kiss in Captain America Civil War pretty weird. And I was curious when they said she was going to be in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. But they didn’t do much with her, she first appeared in episode 3 and was heavily used in that episode but in episodes 4 and 5 had a cameo appearance, and then the big reveal that Sharon was The Power Broker which was predictable. After episode 3 ended, I was thinking she was The Power Broker. And when that happened, it didn’t surprise me.
8. Starhawk and Friends (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2): Once again, I don’t have any big issues with these characters. But nothing about them makes the MCU interesting or memorable. It is fun that the characters are played by Sylvester Stallone, Ving Rhames, Michelle Yeoh, Michael Rosenbaum, and Miley Cyrus. But we get Stallone in two scenes, and the rest are in one mid-credit scene. So they don’t give us a lot about them, but maybe they will be a part of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and flesh out their character. And learn what makes them tick, learn what Starhawk’s relationship with Yondu was like. I’d be down if they announced a tv show starring this batch of characters, I don’t think that will happen but it could be cool to see. So while these aren’t bad characters per se but they aren’t good characters either.
7. Maria Hill (Various MCU Movies): She’s fine, she’s a mediocre enough side character and second in command to Nick Fury. But the big thing holding her back is Cobie Smudlers, I have no ill will for her as an actress. But I’ve just never bought her the strike, SHIELD agent, I don’t think she’s good at being serious. I think she was as Robin in How I Met Your Mother. Also, they haven’t given her, her own character arc her own story line. She shows in the movies that Nick Fury shows up to help him out. Even of the main characters in The Avengers, she felt very anticlimactic inside of the story and it felt like Coulson had more to do in that movie than she did. Maybe in Secret Invasion or in upcoming MCU projects she can stand on her own as a solid female character inside of the MCU.
6. Ayesha and The Sovereign (Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2): Another batch of character that was introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. And I have just never cared for these characters, they might have been as a one and done character. Meaning you have that scene were The Guardians met with them after defeating the monster, and then they weren’t in the rest of the movie. But they are the antagonists for the first act of the movie only because Rocket was being himself, so they are more so victims rather than actually villains to The Guardians. Plus, I think the gimmick that they have 80s style vibe about them. Like their entire ship force is like one big arcade game, it’s funny. But it felt like they only added that side of it because James Gunn knew that they were boring characters otherwise….which they were. So not super memorable, and not very good editions to the MCU.
5. Jane Foster and Friends (Thor and Thor the Dark World): Now the best thing about these characters are the actors that played them. Natalie Portman, Kat Dennings, and Stellen Skarsgard all did good jobs. The reason why they are on this list isn’t because of them. It’s more so because the scripts didn’t give them a lot to do. The first two Thor movies are widely regarded as two of the weaker MCU movies. Thor and Jane are a good couple, but what they did with Selvig in Thor the Dark World was totally bizarre. Why do you have him running around Stonehenge naked trying to do some science experiment. Even with Darcy, it felt like WandaVision was where she got to stand on her own. But even with that she seemed to be sidelined in the final couple of episodes. We know that Jane Foster is returning in Thor Love and Thunder next year, maybe Selvig and Darcy will as well.
4. Laufey and The Frost Giants (Thor): I know that for most of these I’m including the character and a character that he/she is associated with. So technically I guess I am cheating just a little bit, but hey who cares. And of the characters on this list, I think this is one of them that had wasted potential. Because in the comics, The Frost Giants are such important characters in the Thor comic books but they were wasted in this movie. It was a nice twist of having Loki be Laufey’s son, and Thor’s adoptive brother. Which maybe they could have done something with, have this interesting dynamic with it all. But that’s not the direction that they went with, instead you have Laufey be a pawn in Loki’s plan to take over Asgard and then Loki kills them and their planet. I wish that they were this looming threat all throughout the Thor franchise, but nope they were only in one movie. And completely wasted inside of it.
3. Betty Ross (The Incredible Hulk): Of the love interesting to our title hero, this is easily my least favorite. I just never bought the relationship between Bruce and Betty in The Incredible Hulk. I don’t think the movie did a good enough job of showing us their relationship, and just them as people. Beyond that, I don’t think Liv Tyler fits the role at all. And I just don’t think she was particularly good in this movie. She was complaining for most of the movie, and it didn’t work for me. Also, as a character she isn't given much to do. Because all she does is get together with another guy, get back together with Bruce, and then try and stop her father from killing him. That is all she does in the movie, she’s the leading lady of the movie and she’s not given much of an arc in the movie. And since we only got to see her in one movie, her character was never fleshed out and developed. So the acting, writing, and development isn’t very good so she is fairly low on this list.
2. Malekith the Dark Elf (Thor the Dark World): Now this movie is widely regarded as the worst movie in the MCU, for me it's the bottom tier. It’s second to last on the list, and the villain Malekith isn’t very good. He is the worst villain in the MCU for me. I think the idea of Malektih works, as a Dark Elf that has years and years of tension with Odin. And they are just a looming threat that has been around for years. But Malekith himself is so generic, bland, and boring. The design of the character isn’t bad but he just looks like every other Dark Elf in his army. Most leaders of an army look somewhat different from it’s henchman, this is not the cast. Once again, Christopher Eccelson isn’t the problem; he did the best with what he was given. But what he was given wasn’t very much. And he is killed off by the end of the movie, so we don’t get to understand him as a person...or elf for that matter.
1. Fake Pietro/Ralph Bohner (WandaVision): Now this is easily the biggest let down of a character in the entire MCU for me. When Evan Peters showed up at the end of episode 5, it made the audience think that was the start of the multiverse. Evan Peters’ version of Quicksilver is coming to the MCU. It got me and millions of other fans so excited for what is next, and in the final episode it is revealed who he is. And it all leads to a bohner joke, and that is cheap and lazy. Why do you do that Marvel? For me this was a bigger disappointment than The Mandarin twist in Iron Man 3. Marvel knew that we knew that multiverse. They know that we know that the title for the next Doctor Strange movie is In the Multiverse of Madness. So they had us think that this show was heading down one direction, and changed it up. The pathway that they decided to go on, didn’t work for me and was so disappointing. So easily, this is my least favorite character inside of the MCU.
There you have it, my 10 least favorite characters in the MCU. What are some of your least favorite MCU characters? Also, earlier this year I shared my 10 FAVORITE MCU characters. Thanks for reading!