Top 5 Guilty Pleasure Movies

Top 5 Favorite Guilty Pleasure Movies

We all have those movies that we just really enjoy, but we know that aren’t actually that good when you stop and think about it. If you can think of a movie like that, it is called a guilty pleasure. Today, I wanted to share my top 5 favorite guilty pleasure movies. 

5. Murder Mystery: This is 2019 Netflix original movie starring Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston, and it’s about...a murder mystery. And you know I went into this movie not really expecting much from it because it’s a comedy from Adam Sandler and I’m not the biggest fan of his movies. But my mom and I checked this movie out and we really enjoyed it. This is on the list so it’s not a great movie but it is very entertaining and a movie that I feel like I could put in at any time and just enjoy it. Aniston and Sandler have a lot of chemistry and I’m so used to seeing Jennifer Aniston on Friends so it was a nice change of pace to see her doing something else. The supporting cast has Luke Evans and Terrence Stamp, and everybody does a great job. So in 2019, which had a bunch of great movies this one stuck out for being a fun and funny Netflix original movie. So, this is the newest movie on the list but I thought that this movie was so much, and in some ways is a bit of a guilty pleasure movie. I know a lot of people on the internet didn't care for this movie that much So, it had to make the list. 

4. Jurassic Park Sequels: I know that this is probably cheating a little bit, but there wasn’t one in particular that is a guilty pleasure. And the fact is I can get a lot of entertainment from all of the Jurassic Park sequels, even Jurassic Park III which has a lot of issues. I still find that movie very watchable. So, that’s the key thing here, I find all four of the sequels entertainment blockbusters. I think the main reason for that is they get these fun actors and put them in these obscure situations. With Jurassic Park 2 and the T-Rex in San Diego, that is just fun to see. And in my opinion, it’s just fun to see dinosaurs eating people. I know a lot of people don’t like Jurassic Park 2,3, and Fallen Kingdom but I’ve never hated those movies, and find it a bit confusing where people are coming from when they say that. I’m excited for Jurassic World: Dominion because it is probably going to give me a lot of dinosaur action with these fun characters. I would even say that Jurassic World is a bit guilty pleasure but not as much as the other sequels. So with a franchise that has had its ups and downs. No matter if they are good or not so good they are very funny. 

3. Twilight: This is a movie that I watched in quarantine with my mom. And I heard for years that this is a bad movie, and I can 100% agree with that. The acting, script, and plot in this movie is terrible. Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson are not giving good performances. The script is cringy and not good. But for what ever reason even though everything is bad that is why it made the list. I just had a lot of fun watching just everything being so bad. There are scenes where you have Bella and Edward staring at each other for seconds, and those scenes are awkward and way to long. You have a young Anna Kendrick in there and she has these fun moments, but is in the movie for only 5 minutes. A movie that has a lot of problems, I can pin-point a whole lot things that are garbage about this movie. But, as far as entertainment goes it’s very entertaining and fun to watch. And, I tried watching the second one, and it was just very boring and forgettable. Maybe in 2021...I will have a ranking of the Twilight movies. 

2. Daddy Day Care: This is a movie that came out when Eddie Murphy’s career was going down hill, critics on Rotten Tomato do not like this movie it only has a 27%. But as far as entertaining, this movie is so much fun and contentious that this is easily one of best examples of a guilty pleasure for me. You have Eddie Murphy and Jeff Garlin who are these dads that lost their jobs and decide to start their own day care...Daddy Day Care. Anjelica Huston is the antagonist, Regina King is Eddie Murphy’s wife in the movie, and a young Elle Fanning is one of the kids in the movie. It’s very cheesy, Anjelica Huston plays this school principal who is jealous of the day care and trying to make it so that the kids go to her school. A kid in the movie is obsessed with a Flash costume, and a montage where they use cheesy CGI to make it run very fast. And it tries to have an emotional resolution at the end, and it doesn’t really work. But all in all, one of the most entertaining movies maybe I have ever seen. And it’s a movie that isn’t for everyone but I really enjoy this movie. 

1. Spy Kids Franchise: I know that I’m cheating again, but it is very hard to pick which one is on the list, because they should all be on the list. If you haven’t seen this franchise, you have these kids that become spies and each movie has an odd set of actors. Tony Shalhoud and Alan Cumming are the villains in the first one, Steve Buscemi is this odd scientist in the second, and Stallone is the villain in the third one. Antonio Banderas and Carla Gugino are the parents in 1-3. And then you have the fourth one with a new set of actors with Jessica Alba and Joel McHale in the lead. And the visual effects are terrible in all of these movies, and that adds to some of the charm and guilty pleasure-ness of this franchise. With scripts that are cheesy and not very good. This is one of the franchises that I have watched the most, as a kid I had these movies on loop at my dad’s house. (I think it drove my dad crazy). I re-watched the fourth one with my cousin about a year ago, and boy that movie has a lot of problems. But I had so much fun and nostalgia watching this movie. So, without question the Spy Kids franchise is the ultimate and the guiltless movie or movies for me. 

That is my 5 guilty pleasure movies. What are some guilty pleasure for you? Also, what are some top 5 or top 10 you would want me to do?
