Upcoming Disney+ Marvel Shows Ranked by Excitement
A couple weeks back we got the very first trailer for WandaVision the first Disney+ Marvel TV show to come out. And the only Marvel content to come out in 2020. So with the announcements and filming continuing, I thought let’s talk about TV Shows.
8. Loki: In Phase 1 of the MCU, Loki was a fan favorite character that everybody loved. But as you moved into Phase 2 and 3 the weaker I thought the character got. And they have killed off his character so many times and brought him back so many times. That another magical adventure with Loki doesn’t sound as interesting as it would have sounded 5 years ago. Now, I have still enjoyed Tom Hiddelston as the character, and what to see Hiddelston be successful with his career. And they have said that Owen Wilson is going to be in the show, and that sounds like a fun casting choice. So the cast is what I’m most excited for, but the idea of the show is not what I’m excited for.
7. Ms. Marvel: Kamela Khan is a character that I don’t know anything about. And that is why I’m excited for the show and why I’m not excited for the show. I’ve always enjoyed when the MCU introduces characters that aren’t these A-list superheroes. And Marvel has a pretty good track record for having fun characters that you get introduced to. That’s also why I’m not as excited for the show because I don’t know anything about the character so, because of that I can’t get excited for it. But I trust Kevin Feige and Marvel to make a fun TV show with a character that I don’t know anything about. And also we don’t have any casting choices for the show so maybe it brings it down.
6. She-Hulk: Another character that I don’t know anything about, and for the same reason for the Ms. Marvel T.V show I can’t get too excited for this show because I don’t know anything about the character. Now, one of the interesting things that I’ve heard is that She-Hulk’s secret identity job is a lawyer which some people have been saying that her character could tie into what happened with the ending of Spider-Man: Far From Home and I would love to see that. And since she is She-Hulk, I love the rumors that Mark Ruffalo could be a main character in that show and also fun to see Mark Ruffalo in a MCU movie.
5. WandaVision: This is the only Marvel product that we are getting in the year 2020. And while that is unfortunate, I’m so curious to see what this show is going to be. After watching that trailer this show looks so weird that I don’t know what to make of it. I enjoy Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany as these characters, but after the events of Infinity War I’m not sure how you can move on from that. So I feel like this is going to either be one of the best things to come out of Phase 4 or one of the worst things. And I even having trouble writing this because I have no clue what this show is going to be. And I’m excited for this show but also a bit nervous that maybe this is when Marvel jumps the shark.
4. Moon Knight: Another character that I don’t know that much about. But I have no idea why but I’m excited for this show a good bit more than Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk. And the reason for that is from what I have heard Moon Knight is kind of like Marvel’s Batman, and Batman is my favorite superhero of all time. They are both people who had childhood problems, martial artists, and use their fists and gadgets. Also there has been some chatter that Kenau Reeves will play the character and I enjoy Reeves in movies so it would be fun to see him in the MCU. And like She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel I don’t know anything about the character, so I’m excited to explore this character and find out more about him.
3. Hawkeye: Before the release of Avengers Endgame, Hawkeye was a side character that I didn’t have too many opinions about. But, after that movie came out Hawkeye became a character that I wanted to see more of. So doing a TV Show about the character and exploring his time as Ronin sounds pretty cool to me. With that they are introducing Kate Bishop in the mix, played by Hailee Steinfeld who I have only seen in Bumblee and Spider-Man: Into the Spider Verse, but she is also an Oscar nominated actress so I know that she is going to do a great job in the show. So put the pieces together and you get a TV show that sounds like it might be more dramatic than some of the other MCU TV shows, and I would like to see that in this show.
2. What If?: The first animated product to be made by Marvel. And I like the concept of taking these “what if'' ideas and making a 5 minute episode about them. Example what if T’Challa is Star Lord or what if Peggy Carter took the super soldier serum. And those sound like super fun ideas that I think could be explored to see and get to see. Also this is confirmed to be Chadwick Boseman’s final role in a movie or show, so that maybe brings it up a little bit. The animation style isn’t my favorite, but besides that I’m excited to see the different “what if '' ideas that Kevin Feige and Marvel can do.
1. Falcon and the Winter Soldier: If somebody was to tell me you can see one of these Disney+ shows tomorrow, this is the one I would choose. You have Zemo coming back and I enjoyed Zemo in Captain America: Civil War so getting to see him back in the MCU sounds awesome to me. And I enjoy the set photos they have revealed with Falcon and Winter Soldier’s new costumes. And getting to explore Falcon as Captain America, I’m excited to see where his character goes. Falcon and Winter Soldier’s dynamic in the previous Avengers and Captain America movies is so funny, and getting to see more of that dynamic I’m excited to see.
That is my ranking of the upcoming Disney+ Marvel shows by excitement. I plan on doing this with the upcoming Marvel movies.