Wonder Woman Review

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman 1984 is the reason why I’m doing this review series. So today we are talking about Wonder Woman. This is the 4th film in the DCEU, so it’s the fourth review in the series. 

The Good: 

The best thing about this movie for me is the relationship between Gal Gadot and Chris Pine. The movie is filled with moments for Diana trying to learn and figure out the world that Steve Trevor lives in, and it can be very funny at times. But their chemistry makes the movie better because of that, but I also like that on their own. Gal Gadot is believable as Wonder Woman; she can be emotional and strong when she needs to be. And Chris Pine as an actor is one that I enjoy so he adds a nice dynamic to the movie. 

And the world building for the movie is quite good. They set up who the Amazonians are in the first act of the movie, and then the real world you understand the war that is taking place during this time, and I just appreciate all of the world building that is going on and is truly one of the strongest things about this movie. 

Patty Jenkins is great with the action of the movie, the beach fight in the beginning, or the no man’s land and the battle at the town is very exciting the way it is shot you can see everything that is going on and is dynamic. And it’s also fun to see Wonder Woman in action taking down bad guys, so put the pieces together and the action is fantastic. 

The movie also gives a very realistic war feel and vibe to it. You see people in danger, and Wonder Woman wants to help, but Steve Trevor keeps on telling her “no, there is nothing we could do”. So you feel the danger that is going on in this time, and makes the movie feel real even though the main character is the daughter of Zeus. 

Lastly, the movie can be very very funny. The dynamic between Gal Gadot and Steve Trevor helps that. But just little one liners that the side characters say, make the movie very funny. I actually forgot how funny this movie was. My favorite is when they first leave Wonder Woman’s home and they are on the boat, and Wonder Woman is wondering why Steve Trevor won’t sleep next to her, little moments like that. 

The Bad: 

The first ⅔ of this movie are great and fun. But once the villain shows up in the third act it slows down. It becomes a lot more talky and preachy than an actual fight between Wonder Woman and Ares. And even then, the action for whatever reason isn’t as good. It looks too much like CGI then how the other action scenes in the movie are. 

Ares as a villain is also very underdeveloped and a bit boring. Since he doesn’t show up until the final battle, they put all of the backstory and his plan explaining that into the third act of the movie, and so because of that he becomes less interesting. So I wish they introduced Ares as a character much earlier in the movie. 

Final Thoughts: 

Wonder Woman as of right now, is my favorite DCEU. There are a lot of great things about it, but it does have some problems when it comes to the third act and the main villain of the movie. But besides that, a very fun movie. 

The Score: 9.1/10 (A-)
